Why is there a mysterious smell like 'burnt dynamite' coming from the surface of the moon

Why is there a mysterious smell like 'burnt dynamite' coming from the surface of the moon



What does it taste like? Not bad. (John Young, Apollo 16 astronaut)

 How is this smell? The smell like burnt gunpowder. "(Astronaut srnan)

 Soft, tasty and smelly. Some astronauts to walk on the Moon has used attributes that to describe the dust on the surface of the Moon, they deny the romance and old image that we are on the moon concept in the minds of many people in .

 But how did the astronauts smell the moon's dust? And what do we know about its stench?


 This is not science fiction. Every astronaut who stepped on the moon got a chance to smell the moon after the initial walk.

 The astronaut returns on their space ships and took off his helmet when he realized that the helmets were filled with the smell of the chemicals on the lunar surface, which, much to NASA's Apollo krunyklz, after a walk possession was, to the extent that it was the root of her shoes, gloves or any thing under it.

Jane Sarnan was the 11th person to step on the moon in 1972


 The other scientific name for this dust found on the moon is 'Moon Dust' or 'Regulth' and it seems that it floats on the surface of the satellite, and is attached to any object.

 "It's not like ground dust," Butler Hein, who oversees NASA's Mission Lady (LADEE) project in 2013.

 Scientists have also explained that the moon dust "coarse" and "slightly evil", because it picks up electromagnetic field embedded in the holes impossible to pursue lines. That's why it was so "sticky" for astronauts.

 That regardless of the astronauts how to brush repeatedly apnyklayy suit, but when they entered the cabin of the spacecraft, there always comes up with something strange dust (and sometimes more) was what some described as "the smell of gunpowder.


 Take off your gloves and helmet on the lunar surface by Apollo 12 astronauts in six missions 1969-72 felt it, too tasted the taste and smell it

In December 1972 Apollo mission astronauts space suits and helmets were covered in dirt and dust on the moon 17

Possession in the dust with his suit was like the smell of burning coal or fireplace ashes, especially if you throw a little water on the Apollo 11 pilot Buzz ayldryn said.

 Apollo 16 pilot Charlie Duke said on the radio in April 1972 that "it is really a sharp smell. Its taste and smell like gunpowder for me. "

 Eight months after Apollo 17 mission gene srnan also be confirmed Duke expressions with great words: 'What is that smell like a carbine fired from the (gun). "

 It seems like a very specific terms. However, Apollo and Harrison (Jack 17 staff) Schmidt of the burn later explained that they were aware of the space weapons Apollo, and hence when he said that the explosive moon dust stink, they knew what they were saying. "

He said that he was not made of metal or sour it, but (it was burnt gunpowder) are the closest thing we can compare it to. "

 Powder ... But no ammunition.

 If you like the smell of gunpowder and the taste of gunpowder. Is it explosive?


Trip to the Moon was not as if he thought the French director jarjyz mylyz in 1902, but nor was it the plan was Project Apollo

 It's probably many people who asked themselves the question, NASA had rejected him.

 Space agency NASA is not the same thing explained in krunyklz Apollo "moon dust and gunpowder. It's not like gunpowder in any way. "

 Gary says lufgryn of the Lunar sampl Laboratory at NASA's Johnson Space Center that causes the molecules of explosives were found in the soil of the moon. "

 Astronomy Professor Thomas Gold also denied in 2004 that can be deadly moon dust explosion.

 NASA says mundst or moon dust contains mostly silicon dioxide and is produced by impact of meteorite hit the moon rocks and meteorite are shattered into small pieces collide.

 In iron, calcium and magnesium and other minerals such as pyroxene is aulyuayn and much more.

 Then why does this smell like gunpowder?

 It is a mystery that is not resolved, but certainly there are a few theories about that.

 International Space Station (ISS) on long experience of having chemical engineer and cosmonaut Donald pytt have an explanation for this.


An explanation of this is that the moon dust as soon as it is from the module to the space aksydayz

 That if you imagine that you are in a desert land, he said. The fragrance will be like? Nothing. When it rains, if there is suddenly filled with sweet, gundar mhkun.

 Pytt says the moon's like four billion year old desert. It is extremely dry. Moon dust when it comes in contact with moist air in a lunar module, you get the effect of rain in the desert and odor.

But perhaps the most surprising thing is that the moon dust when it comes to the smell disappears. Many astronauts have collected samples of moon dust and rocks.

 Lufgryn say, does not smell of gunpowder them. "

 NASA says that by coming to earth substance had lost its power and was "contaminated" water, which the 'impact of any smelly chemical reactions during the return trip to Earth astronauts somewhat removed.

 This solution will be the analysis of dust on the moon.

 But since 1972 there has not been sent a manned mission to the moon, but still not the astronaut who can tell how our only natural satellite of taste and smell.

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